tutorial MOD GTA S.A
contoh gta yg udah di ubah pake MOD
how to install mod for GTA S.A
here i will give the instruction to install mod for GTA SA
at first step, you need download tools for install mod
such as
-img tool 2.0 download
-San Andreas Mod Installer (SAMI) download
-Spark Img editor download
but remember ,before you install mod ,you need copy of original files (backup files) to avoid crash in game
to get original files/backup files
you can download at here
but now , i just explain how to install mod with img tool 2.0
here i will give the instruction to install mod for GTA SA
at first step, you need download tools for install mod
such as
-img tool 2.0 download
-San Andreas Mod Installer (SAMI) download
-Spark Img editor download
but remember ,before you install mod ,you need copy of original files (backup files) to avoid crash in game
to get original files/backup files
you can download at here
but now , i just explain how to install mod with img tool 2.0
- run Img tool 2.0, then click file > open > gta3.img ( --:\program files\Rockstar games\GTA sanandreas\models )
- find file name as the mod need to replace (example : use motorcycle/car mod -kawasaki ninja 250r mod , this mod need replace "fcr900.dff" and "fcr900.txd" ) so , in imgtool 2.0 press F2 on your keyboard ,then type "fcr900.dff" , you find it ,then you replace it (click right at fcr900.dff , with fcr900.dff in kawasaki ninja 250r mod folder) , do it same to replace fcr900.txd
- after you replaced all files (dff and txd) , in imgtool2.0 , click commands then click rebuild archieve to get an optimal performance your game
- then you test it in the game ,to see it works or not
- so simple right ?
i'm not responsible about your crash when you using mod ,
because i've warned you before to copy original file first before you mod it
thanks for visiting
hope it help you
enjoy modding
disini ,saya akan memberitahukan cara-cara install mod utk GTA sanandreas
langkah pertama , anda perlu mendownload tools nya utk install mod
-img tool 2.0 download
-San Andreas Mod Installer (SAMI) download
-Spark Img editor download
disini ,saya akan memberitahukan cara-cara install mod utk GTA sanandreas
langkah pertama , anda perlu mendownload tools nya utk install mod
-img tool 2.0 download
-San Andreas Mod Installer (SAMI) download
-Spark Img editor download
tapi ingat , sebelum menggunakan mod ,sangat di perlukan file asli nya (backup files) utk menghindari crash di game
utk mendapatkan backup files nya
anda bisa mendownload nya disini
tapi sekarang ,saya hanya menjelaskan cara menginstall mod dengan img tool 2.0
- jalankan img tool 2.0 nya, lalu klik file > open > gta3.img ( --:\program files\Rockstar games\GTA sanandreas\models )
- cari nama file yg akan di gunakan mod (contohnya : pakai mod motor/mobil -kawasaki ninja 250r mod , mod ini mereplace fcr900.dff dan fcr900.txd) jadi, di img tool 2.0, pencet F2 di keyboard anda ,lalu ketik fcr900.dff , anda akan menemukannya ,lalu replace (klik kanan di fcr900.dff lalu replace ,replace dengan fcr900.dff yg ada di folder kawasaki ninja 250r ) lalu kan ini dengan cara yg sama utk mereplace fcr900.txd
- setelah anda mereplace kedua file (dff dan txd), anda klik commands lalu rebuild archieve utk meng optimalkan kinerja performance game anda supaya tidak berat)
- lalu anda test di game ,utk melihat ini berhasil atau tidak
- sederhana bukan ?
saya tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerusakan/crash yg terjadi pada game anda pada saat menggunakan mod
karena sebelumnya saya sudah memperingatkan utk mengcopy original files nya sebelum anda menggunakan mod
terima kasih telah berkunjung
semoga ini membantu anda
selamat me-modding
:z: Gimana cara backupnya???? :q: